
Our adventures in postcard exchange.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tuesday DWIGHT!!!!!

Tuesday was a landmark day. We moved into our house in July, in October of 2002 I had Ella and then in May of 2003 we found out Dennis had cancer. After his first surgery to remove the cancer I tried to take him to a Dwight Yoakam concert because he's a huge fan. Unfortunately because it had been so soon after his surgery Dennis couldn't sit through the entire show. I promised him I would take him again. Dwight didn't tour for a while and life rolled along. I looked on the front page of the paper Tuesday and saw Dwight was in town for the Kentucky State Fair (a free concert at that)! The concert was excellent!!! I highly recommend going. Dennis really enjoyed it (had to go out and buy CDs afterward). He's been in remission for almost three years now and it's been a long uphill battle to get him to see life as worth living and not over yet so I was so glad to be able to keep this promise.

Concerts I'd recommend:
1.Dwight Yoakam (acoustic or otherwise)
2. Jewel (acoustic)
3. Fiona Apple
Concerts I'd like to attend:
1. Lenny Kravits
2. Annie Lennox
3. Sarah Mclaughlin (sp?)
4. Garth Brooks
Fantasy concerts:
1. Johnny Cash
2. Patsy Cline
3. The Beatles
4. Ella Fitzgerald
There are tons more but I just can't think of them right now....


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