What else....
Let's see, still working. Waiting anxiously for them to tell me when I can finally leave. I took one of the buyouts Ford offered and I am waiting for them to give me my release date. I know it kind of sounds like I'm talking jail time but somedays that is what it feels like. I'm looking forward to the extra time and being able to be with Ella again like I was when I was off work with my elbow injury.
I haven't had much time for loom knitting. I made quite a bit for Xmas presents but since then haven't been able to get much done. I have started some projects: two new sweater designs and I have two scarf patterns I need to type up. I have a million ideas of course but life and other priorities are putting things on the back burner for now. We've been spending more time with the kids and family and doing stuff to the house so it's not time lost in any way. I did get Anne Bipes new book: Learn New Stitches on Circle Looms. As usual I like it. Anne never disappoints. This is a great book for those ready to move on to other things. It has a beautiful lace stitch and a shell stitch afghan that I can't wait to try. I highly recommend anything from Anne so GO BUY IT!!!
We still have three of the eight puppies left. They have all been named and it's almost looking like they might me staying (just what we need...more dogs). They are so sweet though. I'm kind of worried right now as one of our dogs hasn't come home for the second night and this is very unlike her. Sadie is pretty small and there's no telling what she's gotten into. I'm hoping the local coyotes didn't get her. I just hope she comes home soon. I miss my little Buggles.
Tomorrow I go visit an alpaca farm to get my first introduction. The lady that owns them, Linda, has been great at letting me ask a bunch of stupid questions. I'm looking forward to seeing them. Hopefully I will be able to get some this Spring.
Stay tuned for my adventures in spinning too. It's sure to be hilarious. Oh, and I got a really cool toy for Xmas-an MPVR. It's pretty much a digital camera but takes video in web format so I can download it to the computer and post it. I have used it at one of Caleb's basketball games to test it out but haven't gotten around to actually downloading anything yet. I hope to be able to make some videos for the website. Lots of videos, actually.
I'm looking for a spinning wheel for a beginner on a beginner's budget. If anyone has any leads, please let me know....
Well, till tomorrow or the next time I get a chance to post...
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