
Our adventures in postcard exchange.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Wedding Pictures

These are definitely not in any sort of order. This is my cousin Sarah's husband, Tom showing his sister, Sarah and my cousin Jen and friend Marcia some dance moves. Here is Dennis dancing with Allie.
This is Ella playing with her fairy dolls before the wedding and before she ruined her hair by running around.
Ella with my Mom and Allie blowing bubbles at the reception.
A completely HORRIBLE picture of me (the purpose of the shawl was to hide the tattoo) and the beautiful bride Jess.
Caleb and cousin Skylar checking out video game magazines.
The girls dancing...

My cousins Sarah and Jennifer (sisters) with Ella.
Sarah spinning Ella.
My cousin Rob and his daughter Katie.
My cousin Robert doing the YMCA with Jen.

Jess and her Dad Louis having their father/daughter dance.
Sarah dancing with Granny.
The entrance of the bride and groom, Jess and Matt.
Jess and bridesmaid Sarah.
Jennifer, Jess and Sarah.

The beautiful bride, Jess.

The bridal party before the wedding.
Flower girls Sydney and Ella with Jr. Bridesmaid Carly and Jess.
The wedding was really beautiful and Ella did so good. I told her she had to go to rehearsal the night before to practice and she informed me that she didn't have to practice cause she already knew what she was doing! (I told her she had to go anyway to prove me wrong LOL) She knew what she was doing, she proved me wrong. She didn't freak out about everyone looking at her. Acted like she was a professional. So much for my worries. I just wish she hadn't run around so much beforehand and ruined her hair. I've been sick all week and fighting with her to sit still long enough to curl her hair is a chore. She's 4, she's got better things to do with her time, right? :) The ceremony was beautiful, reception was beautiful. Everyone had a wonderful time. I just wish I could've been healthier or at least had a nap. I went home and slept for 12 hours. I don't know what is going around (as far as a virus) but this isn't fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a lot of fun! I love your daughter's hair!

2:48 PM  

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