
Our adventures in postcard exchange.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Busy, busy, busy....

I've been doing what I can, when I can. So I've been jumping around quite a bit. The spunkybluecatdesigns.com website is down for reconstruction right now. I found someone to help me with everything and am so grateful! THANK YOU TONY! YOU ROCK! I hope to have it more organized and less cluttered. I am planning on adding a page or two as well. I like the idea that one of the groups started with having a featured loomer. I think it would be nice to choose someone and let them talk about how they started looming, what their favorite projects are and just learn more about the people behind the projects. Sometimes the people on the groups are known for just what they make not who they really are. There are a ton of people on here who seem to be superhuman in all that they do. I'm in awe!
I'm halfway through putting together my first e-booklet. It's a beginner's handbook. I've taken all the instructional pages I had from my instruction page on the website and combined them into one (trying to declutter...) plus I'm adding more. This first e-booklet is going to be free and hopefully I will have it working properly soon. The other e-booklets I plan on making are going to be strictly patterns in the areas I have mentioned in a prior post. I have a lot going. Projects going on several looms. When I get bored with one I go to another. I'm pretty excited about it.
It's been kind of hard to focus on everything on the computer though with the weather as beautiful as it has been. It's April 1st and close to 80 today! This is just crazy! But I don't complain. I spent yesterday constructing my new flowerbed. 20 stone blocks and ten wheelbarrows of dirt later...and all I have planted is irises. The lady that lived here before has bulbs coming up EVERYWHERE. I don't know what I am going to get but I'm anxious to see. She has daffodils coming up everywhere too. And we definitely have the same taste as far as shrubs and stuff. They are flowering all over the yard. The fruit trees are all in bloom too. This place and I have a love/hate relationship right now. I hate living this far out, getting really sick of driving so much but I'm trying to make it my own so that I can enjoy it more.
I've actually gotten some school assignments done too. I don't know what it is about homework but everytime I open a book the kids seem to just appear out of thin air and hover. Of course if it's housework, chores, or something like that they are nowhere to be found. If you need sincere concentration it's not going to happen around them and a school book! But still, I'm doing what I can. I wish I could do more but I have a lot on my plate. Have to eat slow or choke, right?
Well, I'll leave you with some pictures (or they will be before this message, blogger can be a pain). Happy Spring!!! Enjoy yourselves!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl! I can't wait to see your new site. I am sure it'll be great.

Dora Renee' Wilkerson

2:13 AM  

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