
Our adventures in postcard exchange.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Ups and Downs

Today we celebrated Caleb's 11th birthday. Time is going too fast. He's already at the age where you don't know what to get them so you get them clothes and you KNOW that isn't what they want. That in-between awkard age. Almost too old for "toys" but not old enough not to get some. His birthday was actually the 1oth but he was at his Mom's and had school. Yesterday wasn't a good day. One of my baby goats had a case of scours which we have under control now but the other for some reason just stopped eating. He was doing so much better than the other and then all of a sudden I couldn't get him to take his bottle. I forced him to take some but he just wouldn't. He died in my arms. I really hate it. I can't stand not to be able to help something like that. I don't know what I did wrong or if I did do anything wrong. I got our goats from a livestock auction so I'm sure there was a reason he was being sold off so young in the first place, but still. Our other baby is so sweet. He just loves attention and loves following everyone around. Our two girls are doing good too. They are just as curious. I really enjoy being around them. I just wish I could have prevented BillyBob from slipping away. I guess I can only try to do the best I can for the others.
Today was better. Still a little gloomy after yesterday. The best part of the day was a "Muffins with Mom" time with Ella at school. They all sang for us and had pictures they had drawn. They told us what made us special (in thier eyes). It was really sweet. One of those times when you're so proud of your child and love them so much you have tears in your eyes. You actually feel a little ache in your heart. I've often wondered about this "ache." It amazes me that our body can produce such an intense "feeling" that it causes on organ inside our body to ache. And you usually associate an ache with pain but these aches come from joyous occasions too. I do believe people can die of a broken heart (I've felt that pain but apparently not as bad as I thought or else I wouldn't be here) and they can also die of sheer joy as well (I'm in no hurry for this one...too much I want to see and experience). It just seems kind of a strange experience. I wonder what it's purpose is?
Well, after reading Dora's blog I'm going to spend the weekend with the kids in focus. I hope every MOTHER out there has a great Mother's Day. And even if you don't have kids you probably take care of someone (another relative, friend or even pet) in the same way and deserve just as much recognition so here's to all of you as well....Happy Mother's Day! You ARE SPECIAL AND LOVED!!!!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

New additions to the "farm"

These are pictures of some of my banty roosters.

This one shows a lot of the new baby bantys.
These are two new baby turkeys, very small but I've been assured they will end up huge if they don't get eaten before their time.
This is my new crested banty, bad hair day, huh?
And today we went to a local stockyard auction and came home with four new goats. Two babies and two juveniles. This is the one that Caleb claimed and named him Noble Steve. (It was supposed to be noble steed cause we were talking about the movie Shrek and how Donkey liked to be called a Noble Steed but he misunderstood me. Oh well.
Here's Ella with Noble Steve. She's not too sure of the goats just yet but I'm sure she'll be all over them as they get more used to everyone and the surroundings.
Here is Allie with the baby she claimed and named "Billy Bob." I don't know where she came up with this one but at least it isn't any of the cutesy names she usually picks out (like Sweetie and Cutie....). Allie also talked her Dad into two more bunnies. I tried the old "ask your Dad" routine hoping he would say NO for me since he hears me complain. Allie wants the bunnies really bad but doesn't take care of them and doesn't listen when I try to tell her how to. But since D doesn't mess with them I guess it doesn't matter to him. (Men!) I didn't get pictures cause they were hiding from the dogs. They have to figure out that the dogs can't get them in their pen before they venture out. The bunnies are spoiled too. They have a whole dog kennel to run around in and get fresh veggies all the time. Sometimes I think I need to trade places with some of my animals, even for a day of pampering would be nice.
This is one of the older girls but not full grown yet. I'm not really sure what kind of goat she is. Neither of the older girls have any ears. Don't no why, don't really care. She's the most timid of the four. She needs some hoof work which I'm going to do tomorrow but they are all really gentle.
This is the other girl. She wasn't sure of everyone at first either but she has been more accepting then the one above. I sat with them for a while in their stall and would scratch her neck and side and she figured out she really liked that and started sniffing me and eventually would walk up to me without any problem. She's seems more personable. I'm going to win the other one over too though. She just needs some attention. I love to spoil animals :) My husband gets upset cause one of the first coondogs he bought comes running straight to me whenever we let him in. He'll listen to me better than him too. It just kills D, but when we first got him you could tell he hadn't been socialized at all. He wouldn't come to anyone. He would run from me and bark at me. Now he's my buddy, just takes time and spoiling.

A close up of Billy Bob. He is a real sweetheart. He comes straight to you wagging his little tail and licks on you. He sat in my lap and fell asleep for a little while. Too cute!

Both babies have such beautiful markings. They are both boys. All four are very curious too. They are all going to be a lot of fun to watch grow and explore their new surroundings. We plan on getting some more. I want to get some sheep as well and tried to today but the old farmer farts kept outbidding me. I got all four of our goats for under $100. That's a good deal to me. I still think I could probably have done better. I think the auctioneer could tell I was a newbie. Easy to get railroaded when he's going fifty miles an hour. Live and learn though. Well, have to do some fence repair work tomorrow....

I need some help naming my girls. Give me some ideas, please. Maybe I'll send the best response a surprise box (for loom knitting purposes). One for each name I choose.

Friday, May 04, 2007

New spring babies

Our first baby chicks of the year. So cute! I also bought some other babies and will be posting pics of them soon. I just got them today so I thought I'd let them get used to their new home before I terrorize them with a camera. I also got two baby turkeys. Something different. I'm anxious to see them grow up and gobble around the yard. We are also desperately seeking some goats for pasture management. Our pastures are becoming overgrown quickly. You'd think this would be easy, right? I'm not looking for purebred, show quality, registered goats though. Just plain old goats. And of course fairly cheap ones at that. Anyone in the area with any leads, please send me info!


As of May 1, 2007, I am FREE. For 9 years I prayed to get out of Ford Motor Co. I was given the chance when they offered the buyouts this year. I am glad to be able to walk away from that place but on the other hand I am scared as well. With my freedom also comes, unemployment. No job, no income except for the buyout money which I haven't received yet. I have all kinds of new adjustments to make. Lots of things to do. But still...it's scary. I am now a full time student. I am going to get my Bachelor's degree. I hope to be able to post my progress on this blog somehow. The above pictures show my work shirts happily being burned to a crisp. I should have thrown a bra in for the ultimate symbol of freedom but I figured the neighbors would already think I was nuts with this fiasco :)