
Our adventures in postcard exchange.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mixed emotions, a heavy heart

While I'm looking forward to the alpacas and Fluff the Angora coming home I wish there was one other coming home as well. My little Sadie Bug has yet to return home since Friday. I'm starting to lose hope. Our other dog, Ruby, that she was running around with looks as though she has been sprayed with buckshot. Little dots all over her side and behind and she definitely took a break for two days, very tender when you tried to touch her. Ruby is about five times the size of Sadie so I am fearing the worst. It's just not like her not to come home. I at least want to know what happened. I would to bury her at home if she isn't with us anymore. I just don't like not knowing what has happened. All I can think about is her jumping up in the air. We called it boinging. She could jump really high, over our waist line. And when you held her she would nuzzle her head under your chin while you petted her. She was a great snuggler too. Attitude too. Little dogs always seem to have big dog attitudes. She could be downright ferocious when she wanted to be. I'm going to put fliers up tomorrow, call the local shelter and ask around to the neighbors. I don't know what else to do. My husband and stepson have searched the woods around us but haven't seen her. I just pray I am wrong and that she is OK and I get to have her back soon. I miss my little Buggles, everyone here does. It's just not the same. Sorry for the heavy heart but if you have a pet you know what I mean.

Nervous, excited and amazed...

Sunday Ella, Allie and I went to visit a local alpaca owner, Linda. Of course when I left I was on my way home to make a new home for them. I was hooked as soon as we walked into the barn. They are just amazing. I forgot that I was checking them out for the fiber, honestly. Until Linda and her husband harnessed one so that I could feel them I had completely forgotten about it. They are SO soft and THICK! Linda gave me samples of their wool which I have pictures below too. But, back to them...their names are Tesaro, Smiley and Sabado. They are very curious and like to smell you as you can see in the pictures with the girls. They loved them too and keep asking me when they get to come home. I'm nervous cause I want to be able to take good care of them. They have a really nice setup where they are and I feel like they might be offended at my place! I'm excited to be able to have the chance to be around them and can't wait to be able to watch them. If you can't tell, I'm fascinated. I'm extremely grateful to Linda and her husband for taking a chance on a newbie (THANK YOU LINDA!). I have to get my behind in gear and work on the barn and pasture for them. I will be posting a ton of pictures so everyone will probably be sick by the end of the year but it's my blog and you'll just have to survive :) I wish I could describe what it's like being around them. I felt really peaceful when I was with them. They are so gentle when they smell you and they are so soft as they just lightly brush your face with theirs. Keep checking back in, you'll fall in love too....

Monday, January 29, 2007

Keeping Secrets...

Well, I've been keeping a couple of secrets (just like Dora) :) But I think I'm safe to let it out of the bag now. Below is a picture of Creative Knitting magazine. I really like this magazine for more than one reason of course. I liked it before I submitted a design to them but now that they are going to put it in one of thier issues I love them even more. I made a very simple beginner loom knitting pattern and it is supposed to be in thier July issue this year. So, everyone who loom knits has to subscribe...http://www.creativeknittingmagazine.com/index.php . Like I said it is a beginner pattern but I hope it leads to more patterns for loom knitting showing up in the future. I'm excited that they have taken a chance and look forward to the response. I hope everyone enjoys it.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What else....

Let's see, still working. Waiting anxiously for them to tell me when I can finally leave. I took one of the buyouts Ford offered and I am waiting for them to give me my release date. I know it kind of sounds like I'm talking jail time but somedays that is what it feels like. I'm looking forward to the extra time and being able to be with Ella again like I was when I was off work with my elbow injury.

I haven't had much time for loom knitting. I made quite a bit for Xmas presents but since then haven't been able to get much done. I have started some projects: two new sweater designs and I have two scarf patterns I need to type up. I have a million ideas of course but life and other priorities are putting things on the back burner for now. We've been spending more time with the kids and family and doing stuff to the house so it's not time lost in any way. I did get Anne Bipes new book: Learn New Stitches on Circle Looms. As usual I like it. Anne never disappoints. This is a great book for those ready to move on to other things. It has a beautiful lace stitch and a shell stitch afghan that I can't wait to try. I highly recommend anything from Anne so GO BUY IT!!!
We still have three of the eight puppies left. They have all been named and it's almost looking like they might me staying (just what we need...more dogs). They are so sweet though. I'm kind of worried right now as one of our dogs hasn't come home for the second night and this is very unlike her. Sadie is pretty small and there's no telling what she's gotten into. I'm hoping the local coyotes didn't get her. I just hope she comes home soon. I miss my little Buggles.
Tomorrow I go visit an alpaca farm to get my first introduction. The lady that owns them, Linda, has been great at letting me ask a bunch of stupid questions. I'm looking forward to seeing them. Hopefully I will be able to get some this Spring.
Stay tuned for my adventures in spinning too. It's sure to be hilarious. Oh, and I got a really cool toy for Xmas-an MPVR. It's pretty much a digital camera but takes video in web format so I can download it to the computer and post it. I have used it at one of Caleb's basketball games to test it out but haven't gotten around to actually downloading anything yet. I hope to be able to make some videos for the website. Lots of videos, actually.
I'm looking for a spinning wheel for a beginner on a beginner's budget. If anyone has any leads, please let me know....
Well, till tomorrow or the next time I get a chance to post...

Allie finally won...

Yes, she wore me down. With Dora Renee talking so much about Truffles and then the prospect of getting an angora bunny myself I broke down and and got Allie some bunnies. She is addicted to them. SHe checks on them all the time and worries about them a lot. They are really sweet. I'm looking forward to meeting Fluff and letting her join the other three. (The only thing I don't like is the girly names she has given them like Cutie and Sweetie, too girly for me.)

Christmas 2006

Ella's school put on a Christmas pageant. Every grade level performed a song. It was the cutest thing. She did so good. I was so proud of her, I had tears in my eyes and a smile from ear to ear. They sang Up On A Housetop (Ithink that's the name of the song) but in the picture that is the part she is singing and making the "housetop."

Here are pictures of the kids in front of the Xmas tree. The tree went up TWO days before Xmas. I had a hard time finding it all in the mess of stuff we were moving. I don't think we even had all of our furniture at the house yet. They all said that this was the best Xmas they had had. I think they say that every year though. I'm glad it's over though. Too much at once!!!

Birthdays and Basketball

Things that you've missed out on...
Caleb started playing basketball this year (he's number 00). We've actually been able to go to several of his games with our shift change and we can tell he likes being able to have his Dad come see him play. We're really proud of him. They haven't won a game yet but who cares (he does, of course). He gets to be in starting five every game and usually gets to play the entire game.
He has his two sisters for cheerleaders, too. I have video but haven't figured out to post it yet, so stay tuned....GO CALEB!!!

Allie had her 9th birthday in December. NINE!!! When I first started dating Dennis she was Ella's age. She had a bunch of curly ringlets and of course those striking blue eyes. Cute as a button. She was learning how to be potty trained and the first question she ever asked me when we met was "Do you go on the potty like a big girl?" Of course, she LOVES for me tell everyone this. But hey, Caleb gets his fair share too. He used to wear his underwear backwards (so he could see the picture on his undies as they are always printed on the butt) and play his guitar like a rock star! And he loved to wear his cowboy boots all the time, even in the summer with shorts. Man, where has the time gone!

Still alive...

I'm still alive. I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted anything. Of course it is always chaos around here so it's not really THAT surprising. I have a lot to catch up on! We did find a place and have moved. We're in Bloomfield, KY. I thought I was out in the country at our last house but boy was I wrong. The nearest town is Chaplin and "downtown" consists of a post office, mini-mart/gas station, hardware store and a church. Just a flashing yellow light to slow you down enough to see it! We have five acres still, the house is smaller, but boy we have a heck of a view of the world around us. I think what I'm excited about the most is that the previous owners had sheep. I have a pasture and barn ready for them. My chickens have a mansion of a chicken coup compared to what they had at the old house and they seem a lot happier too. SO...I'm looking into getting some sheep and alpaca for the fiber so I can spin yarn. Dora Renee is a bad influence. Truffles has spoiled her :) And now I'm getting an Angora rabbit too thanks to her! She's the greatest. I'm looking forward to being able to make something from start to finish. From animal to garment. And I will learn a LOT about yarn. I found a local farm and spinnery, just 15 minutes from me too!! Koenig Farm. I'm excited. I have a lot to look forward to....