Critters and flowers
This is one of the poor unfortunate critters that happened to move in the sight of one the kids. So, this little frog had to have a "new" home made for him (they didn't do a bad job, really). But man, I really had to talk them out of letting him go swimming in the pool with them. Can't remember what I said to pull that one off but I'm sure the frog appreciates it. At least he's still alive! He'll accidentally escape after they go to bed if you get my drift :)
Every year we pick up turtles on the side of the road. We have a tiny chicken wire pen with a terra cotta plant potter bottom in it (for water) and large chunks of bark for them to hide under. We planted some lettuce and cabbage in there too although I've never seen them eat off of it. Ella LOVES the turtles. Every single one is named Jack. I love watching her check them out. She'll hold them in her hand and gently touch their little toes and tail with a look of sheer awe on her face. We've collected quite a few turtles. They "dig out" after a few days (wink wink) when the kids forget about them. Apparently one of them had a baby in the pen. We went looking for one of the turtles that we had recently "saved" (and he really had dug out ) and found this little one. TINY!!! So tiny I couldn't get a good clear picture close up. Too cute! I hope he makes it so he can escape :)
Here's some pics of the flowers around the house. I was worried about the clematis because I had to repair the trellis I made and Ella decided she wanted to cut up some "sticks" which happened to be the clematis vines without anything on them yet. So this year they are kind of sparse. Then there's the pics of the daisies out in our field. I'm not allowing Dennis to cut that part of the field. Like he's going to complain...