
Our adventures in postcard exchange.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Granny's shawl

I started working on my Grandmother's shawl for my cousin's wedding after a couple of weeks of trying to figure out HOW I wanted to do it. I've run into a problem though. This is the first time I've used my new KK long loom and I don't understand why there is so much shrinkage on just one side. When doing a flat panel I expect the sides to come in or shrink as on the left side which is the normal 2-3 pegs (for me). But what in the world is going on for the right side! It's shrinking like almost 8 pegs! I'm using the lace pattern stitch from the second Anne Bipes stitch booklet. I'm going to frog it anyway because I want it wider, I just can't understand why it's doing this.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Update on the babies...

Here are some picks of my banty chickens....barred cochins, silkies and also my guineas. The guineas are fun to watch. They'll be out in the yard and all of a sudden one will take off charging at another and you'll hear this big thud when it runs into the other. It's like watching a football game! I have no idea why they do this but it's funny. They also sit at the bottom of our porch steps when we let the cat out and they stand there and make the most awful racket until the cat is pawing to come back in. He can't get off the porch because of the guineas (they are as big as he is). They also look like one of the creatures off the movie The Dark Crystal. If you've seen the movie, you'll know what I mean. They've been visiting the neighbors here lately too but they're used to the surroundings and aren't as loud as everyone thinks. If they don't know you though, you bet they are good watch dogs. Can't get them to quiet down! Can't wait to see how that goes over with our real estate agent ;)

They're growing up fast! Starting to get feathers and more independent by the day. We have a total of twelve now. Still maybe more to come.....we'll see.

I won! Ma's so proud ;)

I entered seven things in the county fair. All loom knitted items of course. I won six firsts, a second and a third. And a check for thirty bucks! Should I buy another loom to celebrate? ;)

Bullitt County Fair

Here's Ella having a great time. She laughed the whole time she was on this train ride with this little girl.

Picture of the end of the day, they look exhausted, don't they?

Ella is a daredevil. She loved this Man of Steel ride. The blur is her, she's barely tall enough but rode this ride 5 times! She wanted to get on the Fireball (see last post) but wasn't tall enough! What am I going to do? Have a million heart attacks by the time she's ready to go to school?

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Bullit County Fair

Dennis and Caleb on the "Fireball."
Caleb and Allie on the "Surge" or what I call the YoYo. Dennis and Ella going down the Superslide and Caleb and Allie going down the Superslide. They are pushing on each other, imagine that! She won the race, he hit her over the head with the mat at the bottom cause he's a sore loser and then they had to go home because I'm an evil stepmom and won't let them act like that! Just give me broom, I'll dye my hair green and grow a wart on my nose.

More of Caleb and Allie on the YoYo...
Allie and Ella on a ride together. I think it's called the Blizzard. I'm surprised they didn't have whiplash after this!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


We finally have our baby chicks. I've been waiting patiently while the hens sat. I didn't think we'd have any because the hens kept switching nests on me but here they are. Too cute! Ten total and more on the way if the others sit long enough. I know it sounds like I'll have a ton of chicks but they all won't make it. The last chicks we had went from a total of ten to one. The local predators don't waste time. The kids are in LOVE....

Here is Telula with her little ones. And then another of Telula and Lemoney with all the chicks. Lemony has already pecked Caleb and one of our dogs (Yoakum) for getting to close. The kids won't leave them alone though so I guess they will have to learn the hard way (peck). Ginger also has 2 chicks. I'm going to post more soon. peep...peep...peep

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Here are some peeks at the stuff I'm currently working on. The Eliza doll is finally getting some clothes after debuting in her underwear (shame). The pink is for a little girl's outfit. and the beads will be on a top I'm putting together. The black piece is for a large bag. I also have something started for a free pattern for pets. I'm going to start my first large double rake project soon too. I still haven't gotten the hang of the finishing what you start yet. Oh well. I think I have too many ideas that I'm afraid I'll forget (or won't be able to interpret if I write it down). Well, I'm off to try to finish at least one of these up.