Mixed emotions, a heavy heart
While I'm looking forward to the alpacas and Fluff the Angora coming home I wish there was one other coming home as well. My little Sadie Bug has yet to return home since Friday. I'm starting to lose hope. Our other dog, Ruby, that she was running around with looks as though she has been sprayed with buckshot. Little dots all over her side and behind and she definitely took a break for two days, very tender when you tried to touch her. Ruby is about five times the size of Sadie so I am fearing the worst. It's just not like her not to come home. I at least want to know what happened. I would to bury her at home if she isn't with us anymore. I just don't like not knowing what has happened. All I can think about is her jumping up in the air. We called it boinging. She could jump really high, over our waist line. And when you held her she would nuzzle her head under your chin while you petted her. She was a great snuggler too. Attitude too. Little dogs always seem to have big dog attitudes. She could be downright ferocious when she wanted to be. I'm going to put fliers up tomorrow, call the local shelter and ask around to the neighbors. I don't know what else to do. My husband and stepson have searched the woods around us but haven't seen her. I just pray I am wrong and that she is OK and I get to have her back soon. I miss my little Buggles, everyone here does. It's just not the same. Sorry for the heavy heart but if you have a pet you know what I mean.